For up-to-date publication list please visit my Google Scholar page
Journal Publications
S Drouin, A Kochanowska, M Kersten-Oertel, IJ Gerard, R Zelmann, D De Nigris, S Bériault, T Arbel, D Sirhan, AF Sadikot, JA Hall, DS Sinclair, K Petrecca, RF DelMaestro, DL Collins DL. IBIS: an OR ready open-source platform for image-guided neurosurgery. IJCARS (in press)
IJ Gerard, M Kersten-Oertel, K Petrecca, D Sirhan, JA Hall, DL Collins. Brain Shift in Neuronavigation of brain tumours: A Review Medical Image Analysis, 2016 (in press).
M Kersten-Oertel, IJ Gerard, S Drouin, K Mok, D Sirhan, DS Sinclair, DL Collins. Augmented reality in neurovascular surgery: feasibility and first uses in the operating room. IJCARS (2015): 1-14.
M. Kersten-Oertel, S. J. S. Chen, D. L. Collins. An Evaluation of Depth Enhancing Perceptual Cues for Vascular Volume Visualization in Neurosurgery. IEEE TVCG 20(3):391-403, March 2014.
M. Kersten-Oertel, P. Jannin, D. L. Collins, "The state of the art of visualization in mixed reality image guided surgery". CMIG, 37(2):98-112, March 2013.
M. Kersten-Oertel, P. Jannin, D. L. Collins, "DVV: A Taxonomy for Mixed Reality Visualization in Image Guided Surgery". IEEE TVCG, 18(2):332-352, Feb. 2012.
W. Michalowski, M. Kersten, S. Wilk, and R. Slowinksi, "Designing man-machine interactions for mobile clinical systems: MET triage support using palm handhelds." European Journal of Operational Research, 177(3):1409-1417, March 2007.
Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, K. Farion, and M. Kersten, "Interaction Design for Mobile Clinical Decision Support Systems: the MET System Solutions.", Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, 32(1):47-62, 2007.
M. Kersten, J. Stewart, N. Troje, and R. Ellis, "Enhancing Depth Perception in Translucent Volumes". IEEE TVCG, 12(6):1117-1123, September/October, 2006.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
M Kersten-Oertel, IJ Gerard, S Drouin, K Petrecca, JA Hall, DL Collins. Towards Augmented Reality Guided Craniotomy Planning in Tumour Resections. Proceedings of Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality (MIAR), Bern, Switzerland, LNCS 9805 (in press).
I. J. Gerard, M. Kersten-Oertel, S. Drouin, J. A. Hall, K. Petrecca, D. De Nigris, T. Arbel and D. L. Collins. "Improving Patient Specific Neurosurgical Models with Intraoperative Ultrasound and Augmented Reality Visualizations in a Neuronavigation Environment," in 4th Workshop on Clinical Image-based Procedures: Translational Research in Medical Imaging, LNCS 9401, pp. 1–8.*** Best Paper
M. Kersten-Oertel, I. J. Gerard, S. Drouin, K. Mok D. Sirhan, D. Sinclair, D.L. Collins. “Augmented Reality for Specific Neurovascular Tasks”. Proceedings of Augmented Reality Environments for Medical Imaging and Computer-Assisted Interventions, LNCS 9365 2015 (in press).
S. Drouin, M. Kersten-Oertel, D. L. Collins. “Interaction-based Registration Correction for Im-proved Augmented Reality Alignment in Neurosurgery.” Proceedings of Augmented Reality En-vironments for Medical Imaging and Computer-Assisted Interventions, LNCS 9365 2015 (in press).
M. Kersten-Oertel, I. Gerard, S. Drouin, K. Mok, D. Sirhan, D. Sinclair, D. L. Collins. “Augmented Reality in Neurovascular Surgery: First Experiences." Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8678, 2014, pp 80-89, 2014.*** Best Paper 3rd place
M. Kersten-Oertel, S. Drouin, S. J.S. Chen, D. L. Collins. “Volume Visualization for Augmented Reality Neurosurgery.” (Proceedings of MIAR/AE-CAI). Augmented Reality Environments for Medical Imaging and Computer-Assisted Interventions, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8090, pp 211-220, 2013.
M. Kersten-Oertel, S. Drouin, S. J.S. Chen, D. S. Sinclair, D. L. Collins. “Augmented Reality Visualization for Guidance in Neurovascular Surgery.” Stud Health Technol Inform 173:225–9. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR), New Port, CA, Feb 9-11, 2012.
S. J. S. Chen, M. Kersten-Oertel, S. Drouin, and D. L. Collins. "Visualizing the path of blood flow for image guided surgery of cerebral arteriovenous malformations". SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, Feb 4-9, 2012.
S. Drouin, M. Kersten-Oertel, S. J. S. Chen, D. L. Collins. "A Realistic Test and Development Environmentfor Mixed Reality in Neurosurgery". Augmented Environments for Computer Assisted Interventions' (Proceedings of MICCAI AE-CAI Workshop 2011) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7264:13-23, 2012.
M. Kersten-Oertel, P. Jannin, D. L. Collins, "DVV: Towards a Taxonomy for Mixed Reality Visualization in Image Guided Surgery". Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality (Proceedings of MIAR 2010), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6326:334-343, 2010.
Refereed Conference Abstracts, Posters and Presentations
M. Kersten-Oertel, I.J. Gerard, S. Drouin, K. Petrecca, J.A. Hall, D.L. Collins. Intraoperative Craniotomy Planning for Brain Tumour Surgery using Augmented Reality. Int J CARS. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS), Heidelberg, Germany 11(1):S1-S316, 2016.
I.J. Gerard, M. Kersten-Oertel, A. Kochanowska, J.A. Hall, D.L. Collins. The Validation Grid: A New Tool to Validate Multimodal Image Registration. Int J CARS. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS), Heidelberg, Germany 11(1):S1-S316, 2016.
M. Kersten-Oertel, M., Gerard, I. J., Drouin, S., Mok, K., Petrecca, K., & Collins, D. L. (2015) "Augmented Reality for Brain Tumour Resections". Int J CARS, 10(1):S260, 2015.
M. Kersten-Oertel, S. J. S. Chen, D. L. Collins. "A Comparison of Depth Enhancing Perceptual Cues for Vessel Visualization in Neurosurgery." CARS, June 27-30, 2012.
M. Kersten-Oertel, S. J. S. Chen, D. L. Collins. "Enhancing depth perception of volume-rendered angiography data". VIS 2011 Poster Session, Providence, RI, Oct. 23-38, 2011.
M. Kersten, J. Hoffmann, D. Freudenstein, M. Tatagiba, U. Ernemann, D. Bartz. "Registration of 3D rotational angiography to CT (or MR) angiography." Proceedings of the Deutschen Gesellshaft für Computer- und Roboterassisierte Chirugie (CURAC), Hannover, Oct. 12 -14, 2006.
J. Inoue, M. Kersten, B. Ma, J. Stewart, J. Rudan and R. Ellis, "Fast assessment of acetabular coverage using stereoscopic volume rendering." Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR), January 2006.
M. Kersten, W. Michalowski, and S. Wilk. "Interaction Design in a Mobile Clinical Decision Support System: The Met System Example." INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov. 13-16, 2005.
W. Michalowski, M. Kersten, Sz. Wilk, and R. Slowinski. "Designing man-machine Interactions for Mobile Clinical Systems: MET Triage Support using Palm Handhelds" The 14th Mini EURO Conference on Human Centered Processes, Luxembourg, May 2003.
G.E. Kersten and M.A. Kersten, "E-negotiation engineering and a reference model." Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-5), Montreal, Oct. 23-27, 2002 (CD ROM).
M. Kersten. "Augmented Reality in Neurovascular Surgery" Doctorate Thesis. Department of Biomedical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, March 2015.
M. Kersten. "Stereoscopic volume rendering of medical images." Master's Thesis. School of Computing, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, Aug. 2005.
M. Kersten-Oertel, P. Jannin, D. L. Collins. Augmented Reality for Image-guided Surgery. In Woodrow Barfield (Ed), Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality, CRC Press, 2nd Edition, Aug. 4 2015.